Massage in York offers mobile massage in York and the surrounding area. I am an experienced, fully qualified massage therapist and if you’re in need of a massage, I will come to you. If you want information on how to book a mobile massage click here. Or keep reading for answers to the most frequently asked questions.
Table Of Contents
Why Have A Mobile Massage In York?
If a hectic life is giving you stress or you’re struggling to get about due to back pain or an injury, the last thing you want to do is fight your way through York’s endless traffic or walk any further than absolutely necessary to get treatment. A mobile massage from Massage In York is the answer. Available from 9am to 9pm, 7 days a week, you can book a massage to fit in with your schedule.
What Does A Mobile Massage Involve?
Besides taking place in your home, a mobile massage is like any other massage and can involve different techniques to suit your needs. This includes a Swedish massage for relaxation, insomnia treatment, a boost to your immune system and numerous other benefits. Click to find out more about Swedish Massage.
Deep Tissue Massage and Sports Massage are for treating pain or injuries. Whether this is back or neck pain from prolonged computer work or a strain from sport or working out. Or rehabilitation to help improve flexibility and mobility after recovery an injury or operation. Click to find out more about Deep Tissue Massage or Sports Massage.
If you aren’t sure what type of massage your need that’s not a problem. Whether you’re wanting general relaxation or something more specific such as an area of tension or injury, we can decide together which would be best.
Do You Use A Massage Table?

use for massages
A massage table is what you will commonly find in a massage salon. While I do have one to use when necessary, I mainly use a massage mattress. Not only do many people find them more comfortable they take up less room, so you don’t need such a large open space.
Does A Massage Hurt?
Despite what many people believe, a massage does not have to hurt to be effective(1). For optimal results, when treating injuries or addressing knots, a deep tissue massage will prioritize muscle relaxation. If the level of pressure is causing you pain or too much discomfort you are unlikely to be relaxed. In the unlikely event this is the case during your massage don’t be afraid (or too polite) to say so.
Do You Provide Oil, Towels etc?

back pain
Just like you wouldn’t expect to take your own towels to a salon, a mobile massage from Massage In York is no different. I provide everything that is required. However, if you wish to use your own towels, as some people prefer, you are welcome to do so. Also if you have allergies you might want to provide an oil that you know is suitable.
Do I Need To Complete A Health Questionnaire?
Completing a brief consultation form is necessary before the massage begins but this does not affect your massage time. This information helps to ensure your safety and well-being by identifying any potential risks before your massage. It also needs to be done for insurance purposes and only takes a couple of minutes. Alternatively I can email you the consultation form in advance if you’d like to complete it at your convenience.
Is a Mobile Massage As Good As Massage In A Salon?
The qualifications and training required to offer mobile massage are exactly the same as a massage offered anywhere else. I have a diploma in massage therapy and originally began massaging in 2005. I also qualified as an advanced personal trainer in 2008 and these qualifications cover all aspects of health and fitness. They include client lifestyle and fitness assessment, nutrition, weight management, and postural analysis. This helps me diagnose the causes of many problems and offer advice on how to prevent their return after massage.
A mobile massage is also more private and more convenient than in a salon. And when they’re finished you don’t have the hassle of getting home, you’re already there!
Click to read feedback from previous clients
Book A Mobile Massage
If you’re looking for a massage therapist in york and would like to book please contact me on 07713 250352 or email Includes sports massage, deep tissue massage and Swedish massage. For more information on booking click here