If you are looking for the best treatment for cellulite you have probably realised they have some things in common. Whether it’s creams, lotions, lasers or surgery they tend to be expensive, unproven and can be very invasive. But what you might not have considered is that having a massage is not only relaxing and therapeutic, it can naturally get rid of visible cellulite. As a massage therapist I have massaged hundreds of clients for varies issues. This includes pain, tight muscles, strains, knots, anxiety and more. And many times I’ve been told something along the lines of, “This might sound silly but, I don’t seem to have as much cellulite and I look more toned.”
Let’s take a quick look at what cellulite is and why it isn’t silly to suggest that massage treatment can help.
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What Is Cellulite
Cellulite is simply fat that is acting against connective tissue and therefore gives the appearance of an uneven surface. It is most commonly visible on your thighs, buttocks and stomach but can also affect arms, breasts and hips(1). Although it is not at all harmful or a sign of being overweight (slim women have it too) the more fat there is the more cellulite might be visible. Factors that can make the issue worse include age, poor diet, an unhealthy lifestyle, genetics and pregnancy. For more information on this read my article here
The Causes Of Cellulite
So if cellulite is natural how can massage help? Well it can not physically get rid of cellulite any more than it can get rid of fat. But according to healthline.com, “Creams don’t remove the cellulite. Instead, they temporarily reduce the appearance of it. The fat cells still exist under the skin.” And the same applies to massage. From experience and client feedback however, I have noticed that massage can reduce its appearance. It can also give a more toned look to treated muscles. In other words, it is an effective and natural treatment for cellulite.
The reason for this is that your lifestyle will almost certainly involve something that has a detrimental effect on your body. This might be an active lifestyle that includes a busy job and lots of exercise. It might be more sedentary and leave you working at a desk all day, driving or watching TV. It might be that your days are stressful and leave you feeling anxious and in need of a drink or some comfort food. Or it could be a combination of all three. Whatever it is the result will be tight muscles, knots and the build up of scar tissue. By impeding blood flow, these restrictions compromise the body’s natural detoxification processes. This can cause toxins to build up and potentially lead to further health concerns.
The result is that cellulite becomes more visible than it otherwise would be. And massage to the affected areas, or even to the body as a whole, can reverse this.
How Massage Is A Treatment For Cellulite
Reduced scar tissue and relaxed muscles enable optimal blood flow. In turn this leads to improved nutrient and oxygen delivery and efficient toxin removal. Ultimately this enhances the appearance and function of the muscles.
This is why I believe massage is an excellent treatment for cellulite, as it reduces its appearance in a natural and beneficial way.
How Many Sessions Will I Need

Like all issues that can be helped by massage, how much treatment you require for cellulite depends on several factors. These include the condition of your muscles, your overall health and fitness, and how well your body responds to massage. In this case it also depends on how visible your cellulite currently is. One massage should be enough to make some difference. However, it might be a few days later that you really notice the benefits. After which, further massages will continue the improvements and maintain them.
Massage Treatment For Cellulite Summary
As I said earlier, like any other treatment for cellulite, massage can not physically get rid of it. But I have seen it become less visible even when treating cellulite was not the purpose of the treatment. And many clients have confirmed this. So if you would like to book or have any questions get in touch.
Book A Mobile Massage
If you would like to book a mobile massage in York please contact me on 07713 250352 or email david@massageinyork.co.uk. Includes sports massage, deep tissue massage and Swedish massage. For more information on booking click here