A back massage generally refers to the area between your shoulders and your waist. Issues that usually involve the lower back include pain, stiffness or problems affecting the sciatic nerve down into the legs. In the upper back the problems are most often between the shoulders blades and up towards the neck. Also, muscles running alongside the spine, from the pelvis to the upper back, often become shortened and tense.
These can all benefit greatly from a sports massage from a qualified massage therapist.
Table Of Contents
What Is a Back Massage Good For
There are many issues that can be helped by a back massage but some are more common than others(1).
Upper Back Massage

In the upper back, tension in your rhomboids, which are muscles between your shoulders blades, can cause a feeling of stiffness. This can radiate into your shoulders, especially when reaching upwards or forwards. It can also involve your trapezius muscle, which causes tightness in your neck from prolonged computer work or phone use. If left untreated, upper back issues can go on to cause migraines, tension headaches and make you more prone to injury.
Mid-Back Massage
Twisting your upper body can reveal tightness in the large latissimus muscles, potentially contributing to discomfort in your mid-back. It could also be the intercostal muscles between your ribs, which are often neglected in a back massage. This can be due to activities such as running or racket sports that involve sudden twisting movements. Prolonged inactivity, such as driving or sitting at a desk all day, can result in a lack of flexibility. In turn this can lead to pain or stiffness in the muscles that can sometimes affect your breathing.
Lower Back Massage
Pain in your lower back can have many causes. The most common is tightness in the muscles which run up alongside your spine (erector spinae). To avoid misdiagnosis with sciatica, be aware that lower back pain can also stem from tightness or inflammation in your gluteal muscles. This is usually the result of heavy lifting with poor technique or prolonged sitting.
Even if you have no specific issues, the muscles in your back can store a lot of tension which a back massage can help alleviate.
What Type Of Massage Do You Need?
The type of back massage you need depends the cause of your discomfort, the severity and it’s specific location. In many cases a Swedish massage is sufficient as it relieves stress and anxiety, relaxing muscles which were in spasm. In some areas, like between the shoulder blades, a targeted application of deeper pressure may be necessary for optimal relief.
For muscle tension or even injury, a deep-tissue or sports massage more actively addresses the problem. This is often the case in the lower back area and involves softening the superficial muscles in order to work on the deeper ones. However, it does not mean that the massage will be painful.
What Else Can Cause A Bad Back

If you have pain, tension or other problems in your back then a back massage will help to relieve it. But in some cases the cause is elsewhere. Tight hamstrings in the back of your legs can pull your pelvis out of alignment, contributing to lower back pain. This is often the case with people who sit at a desk all day.
Another common but often overlooked cause of problems is tightness in the upper part of the glutes (buttocks). This can often lead to tightness and pain in the hips due to a lack of flexibility. The same is true of the hip flexors at the top of the thigh. If the muscles here are tight from prolonged sitting it can be difficult if not impossible for your hips to be in the correct position. The result is an over-arching of your lower back which can cause pain, tightness and increase the risk of back injury.
In your upper back there are two areas which are common sources of problems. One is the trapezius, which is a diamond-shaped muscle that runs between your shoulders and up into your neck. The other is your rhomboids, which are responsible for pulling your shoulder blades together. However, tightness in your neck or shoulders can also cause incorrect posture which could be the source of the problems.
Book A Mobile Massage
If you would like to book a mobile massage in York please contact me on 07713 250352 or email david@massageinyork.co.uk. Includes sports massage, deep tissue massage and Swedish massage. For more information on booking click here