Massage after pregnancy, otherwise known as postnatal massage, can provide many benefits to your body and mind. During pregnancy you could develop upper and lower back pain, neck and shoulder stiffness and general body aches. And although this is an exciting time it can also be very stressful, which only adds to feelings of fatigue. Postnatal massage can help with a variety of issues to help your mind relax and your body recover faster. Read on to discover just some of the benefits of postnatal massage from a qualified massage therapist.
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Postnatal Massage For Muscle Pain Relief

Even if you didn’t have any lower back pain before pregnancy, you will probably develop some after nine months of having a baby bump. As the weeks pass and the extra weight you’re carrying increases there are two main things that will happen. The first is that your posture will change so you find yourself leaning back slightly as you walk. This can put your hips out of their correct alignment. And the second is that you’ll find it increasingly difficult to bend forward or sit in anything but a posturally incorrect way. Both will cause or exacerbate lower back pain.
Upper back pain, such as in your neck and shoulders, can also occur during pregnancy. But holding your baby, especially while breastfeeding, can cause even more problems. Then there are general aches and pains that develop from trying to get through your day without making things worse.
Massage can help to relieve muscle tension, correct postural imbalances and ease any strains and sprains you might have. Click here for more information on lower back pain or here for upper back pain.
Postnatal Massage For Anxiety And Depression
Even the easiest of pregnancies can be a stressful time, especially as the big day approaches. And this doesn’t change once your baby is born. Interrupted sleep, aches and pains, life changes and the constant anxiety of worrying about your baby can all take their toll. The stress hormones released by your body can make things feel even worse and this is proven to reduce the quantity and quality of breast milk(1).
Similarly, postnatal depression or “baby blues” is experienced by around half of new mothers to some degree. But this has also been shown to improve from the benefits postnatal massage can provide.
Click here for more on how massage can help with anxiety.
Postnatal Massage For Improved Sleep

If a bad back and general aches and pains don’t interrupt your sleep when you’re pregnant, your baby bump probably will. And feeds throughout the night once your baby is born are only going to add to your fatigue. Therefore it’s vital that when you do have the opportunity to finally get some sleep it should be deep and uninterrupted.
Massage after pregnancy can help to relieve pain, reduce anxiety and cause the release of hormones that promote relaxation. In turn this increases the quality of your sleep and the benefits this provides. Click here for more on how massage helps you sleep.
Other Benefits Of Postnatal Massage
Toning And Weight Loss – As massage improves circulation it helps flush out toxins and excess water. It can also improve the appearance of overall muscle tone.
Reduce Stretch Marks – Improved circulation to the skin can restore elasticity and reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
Restore Flexibility – Regular postnatal massage can actively enhance your flexibility, restoring and even surpassing your pre-pregnancy range of motion.
If you are in any doubt, please check with your doctor before you book a postnatal massage. Especially if you had a Cesarean section in order to make sure you have had sufficient time to heal.
Book A Mobile Massage
If you would like to book a mobile massage in York please contact me on 07713 250352 or email Includes sports massage, deep tissue massage and Swedish massage. For more information on booking click here