Massage treatment generally considered a safe treatment for most people as it is non-invasive, relaxing and natural. A contra-indication is a situation in which a procedure should not be used because it may be harmful to the client or the massage therapist. It might mean that the massage will have to be limited to certain parts of the body or it could mean that you should not receive a massage at all. There are 3 types of contra-indications.
Total Contra-Indications: This is a situation where massage is avoided completely, usually for the safety of the client and/or therapist.
Relative Contra-Indications: The massage practitioner may proceed with the treatment with a doctor’s note, but will need to modify techniques related to the client’s condition, for example, by using lighter pressure.
Local Contra-Indications: This are areas of the client’s body should not be massaged under any circumstances. It might be for the client’s own comfort, to avoid spreading infection or to avoid further injury
Total Contra-Indications

When you have any of these conditions, please do not book a massage:
Contagious diseases, including any cold or flu
Under the influence of alcohol or drugs, including prescription pain medication
Recent operations or acute injuries
Skin diseases
Local Contra-Indications
Local contra-indications mean the therapist can massage but not over any areas affected by:
Varicose veins
Undiagnosed lumps or bumps
Undiagnosed pain
Inflammation, including arthritis
Medical Contra-Indications
If you suffer from any of the following conditions massage can only take place once it has been approved in writing by your doctor.
Cardio-vascular conditions (thrombosis, phlebitis, hypertension, heart conditions)
Any condition that a medical practitioner is already treating
Psoriasis or eczema
High blood pressure
Nervous or psychotic conditions
Heart problems, angina, those with pacemakers
Gynaecological infections
Bell’s palsy, trapped or pinched nerves
Book A Mobile Massage
If you would like to book a mobile massage in York please contact me on 07713 250352 or email Includes sports massage, deep tissue massage and Swedish massage. For more information on booking click here